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Matthew Beairsto

Placeholder image for Matthew Beairsto

Teacher - English, Outdoor Education

Phone: 403-887-2412

Mr. Beairsto is thrilled to be teaching English and Outdoor Education at H.J. Cody.  Originally from Edmonton, Mr. Beairsto moved to Rimbey in 2021 to pursue a side-career as a dirtbiker/rabbit farmer.  A retired stage and film actor, Mr. Beairsto enjoys projecting his voice and getting trapped in glass boxes.  Mr. Beairsto enjoys a good beef jerky or kettlecorn snack from time to time (hint hint). Mr. Beairsto enjoys mispronouncing student names, and doesn't mind if you mispronounce his. 

Come see the famous Mr. Beairsto in room 208 if you have any questions about English, or if you want any tips on making sourdough bread. 

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