Staff Directory


Photo of Alex Lambert

Alex Lambert


Phone: 403-887-2412


Photo of Jamieson Blinkhorn

Jamieson Blinkhorn

Vice-Principal - Grade 9-10

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Rebecca Schaab

Rebecca Schaab

Vice-Principal - Grade 11-12

Phone: 403-887-2412

Our Trustee

Photo of Jackie Swainson

Jackie Swainson

Our Trustee

Phone: 403-588-2445

Administration Support

Photo of Shari Neis

Shari Neis

Administration Support - Communication

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Kim Rosie

Kim Rosie

Administration Support - Registrar/Records

Phone: 403-887-2412 ext 4402

Photo of Krista Fellows

Krista Fellows

Administration Support - Finance

Phone: 403-887-2412


placeholder image for Matthew Beairsto

Matthew Beairsto

Teacher - English, Outdoor Education

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Kolt Bell

Kolt Bell

Teacher - Math, PE 9

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jamieson Blinkhorn

Jamieson Blinkhorn

Teacher - Math, Sports Performance

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jeremy Braitenback

Jeremy Braitenback

Teacher - Social Studies, PE 9

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Sybil DeJonge

Sybil DeJonge

Teacher - Outdoor Education 9, Phys Ed 9 and 10

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Theresa Donaghy

Theresa Donaghy

Teacher - Math 31, Physics, Science 20

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Connor Einhorn

Connor Einhorn

Teacher - General Psychology, Science 9

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jacqueline Fern

Jacqueline Fern

Teacher - Foods 10, Math 10

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Bryna Figursky

Bryna Figursky

Teacher - CALM, Esthetics, English

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Joel Gerlywich

Joel Gerlywich

Teacher - Math

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Cheri Johannesson

Cheri Johannesson

Teacher - English, Ladies Health and Fitness

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson

Teacher - Sciences, Outdoor Education

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Matthew Kennedy

Matthew Kennedy

Teacher - High School Transitions, PE

Phone: (403)-887-2412

Photo of Spencer Klassen

Spencer Klassen

Teacher - Physical Education, Numeracy, Sports Performance

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Alyssa Latimer

Alyssa Latimer

Teacher - Drama, Esthetics, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Kaylee Leischner

Kaylee Leischner

Teacher - Biology, Chemistry, Graphic Design, Media & Marketing, Robotics

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Carlie Marsh

Carlie Marsh

Teacher - Art, Photography

Phone: 403 887 2412

Photo of Bryce Marshall

Bryce Marshall

Teacher - Math, Phys Ed, Science

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Melissa McQueen

Melissa McQueen

Teacher - Aboriginal Studies, Leadership, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jonathan Paul

Jonathan Paul

Teacher - Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jas Payne

Jas Payne

Teacher - English, Leadership

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Randy Prediger

Randy Prediger

Teacher - Industrial Arts

Phone: 403-887-2412 ext. 4410

Photo of Narsh Ramrattan

Narsh Ramrattan

Teacher - Biology, Chemistry, Industrial Arts, Robotics, Science

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Nicole Round

Nicole Round

Teacher - Biology, Chemistry, Science

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Alana Routhier

Alana Routhier

Teacher - Foods

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Peter Saik

Peter Saik

Teacher - Phys Ed, Social Studies, Sports Performance, Yoga,

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Rebecca Schaab

Rebecca Schaab

Teacher - Math

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Zach Skrepnyk

Zach Skrepnyk

Teacher - Math, Phys Ed, Sports Performance

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Annika Smith

Annika Smith

Teacher - English, Leadership, Reading, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Ryan Soulliere

Ryan Soulliere

Teacher - English, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Sarah Steinbach

Sarah Steinbach

Teacher - Biology, Forensics, Science

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Annika Sudlow

Annika Sudlow

Techer - Math

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Amy Szymanek

Amy Szymanek

Teacher - Phys Ed, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jonathan Thornton

Jonathan Thornton

Teacher - Band, CALM, Choir, Guitar, Music, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Sharon Tuckwood

Sharon Tuckwood

Teacher - Lakers Support Centre (LSC)

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Evonne Tutkaluk

Evonne Tutkaluk

Teacher - Lakers Support Centre (LSC)

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Clare Westcott Smallwood

Clare Westcott Smallwood

Teacher - CALM, French, Spanish

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Kelsey Wilson

Kelsey Wilson

Teacher - English, French, Reading

Phone: 403-887-2412


Photo of Jas Payne

Jas Payne

Academic Counselling

Phone: (403) 887-2412 ext 4439

Photo of Theresa Donghy

Theresa Donghy

Academic Counselling

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Darla Bell

Darla Bell

Off Campus Coordinator

Phone: 403-887-2412 ext 4421

Family School Wellness

placeholder image for Cheri Morrison

Cheri Morrison

Phone: 403-887-2412


Photo of Katie Judge

Katie Judge


Phone: 403-887-2412

Educational Assistants

Photo of Jamie Fisher

Jamie Fisher

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Jane Liesch-Giles

Jane Liesch-Giles

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Kim Nemish

Kim Nemish

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Amanda Nightingale

Amanda Nightingale

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Holly Schultz

Holly Schultz

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Brenda Walker

Brenda Walker

Educational Assistant

Phone: 403-887-2412


placeholder image for Randy Nelson

Randy Nelson

Phone: 403-887-2412

Lakers Support Centre

Photo of Sharon Tuckwood

Sharon Tuckwood


Phone: 403-887-2412

Photo of Evonne Tutkaluk

Evonne Tutkaluk


Phone: 403-887-2412

placeholder image for Annette Brown

Annette Brown

Phone: 403-887-2412

Contact Staff Member