Welcome Grads of 2024. Please keep in mind the information below as it will be very important in Semester 2. Keep checking here for ongoing Graduation information.
Alex Lambert
Apply to Graduate: Click Here for the Application to Graduate
In order to participate in the Graduation Ceremonies for École HJ Cody High School, you must APPLY to graduate. The applications will be available in February around the start of second semester. The due date for applications will be in early March. Failure to get your application in may result in a gown not being ordered for you. Mr. Payne will meet with each Grad to verify the application.
No application...no graduation ceremony!
To Qualify to Participate in the Graduation Ceremonies for École HJ Cody High School:
1. You must have an Approved Graduation Application.
- Applications will be reviewed by Mr. Payne & with each individual graduate.
2. You must sign a Graduation Participation Waiver
3. ALL school fees must be paid.
- If you need to make payment arrangements or require waiver forms, please contact the office a.s.a.p. so we can help with a payment schedule that will work for you.
- Please log-in to Student QuickPay for an up-to-date fee invoice (you may contact the school
office if you need assistance setting this up). Invoices are now live documents that change throughout the year according to teams you join, field trips you attend, etc., so please check it on a regular basis.
**There will be dates to remember and lots of information about grad that you will need to know. Please be sure to visit this page regularly, listen for announcements and watch for posted notices in the school so you are aware of what is coming up and what is expected of you. We will do our best to assist you so you are able to participate in the celebrations for Grad 2024!