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Amy Szymanek

Photo of Amy Szymanek

Teacher - Phys Ed, Social Studies

Phone: 403-887-2412

Hey! I'm Ms. Szymanek and I am teaching Physical Education 9 - 12, and Social 10. I graduated from RDP where I played basketball for 5 years with the Queens. I grew up on a farm not far from Sylvan and am excited about the small town community and connection we can find at H.J. Cody. I coach basketball and track and field, and I'm a lover of all sports! I spend my extra time coaching, farming, skiing, cheering for the Oilers, and listening to Taylor Swift. I am passionate about student confidence, wellness, and growth to aid them in overcoming academic and life challenges. I am blessed to be welcomed at H.J. Cody for the 23/24 school year and my door is always open for some connection. :) 

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